June 2016

ANALIZĂ: Brexit este rezultatul politicilor de austeritate şi al birocraţiei din UE

Cauzele ieşirii Marii Britanii din Uniunea Europeană sunt multiple: creşterea austerităţii la nivel european, multiculturalismul sau faptul că de-a lungul timpului uniunea a devenit un colos birocratic, sunt doar câteva dintre cele pe care le-au menţionat participanţii la o dezbatere academică.

Romania agriculture outlook: EU funding gets more accesible for investors

Small and medium-sized farming businesses that invest in higher value-added products stand to benefit the most from the funding opportunities brought about by Romania’s National Rural Development Program (PNDR) for 2014-2020. Moreover, consultants say that the new program is overall more investor-friendly than the previous one.

Moore Stephens KSC sustains the development of the Accounting and Audit profession

We are proud that on 17 June 2016 we have joined ACAP in celebrating the 20th anniversary of its activities and that we were able to support the Association moving forward to enhance the local accounting profession in Moldova.